Do you Want to be a Mary or a Martha? Plus Writing Chat
Do you Want to be a Mary or a Martha? Plus A Garden Glimpse & Writing Chat
In this post: Martha, or Mary? Plus A Garden glimpse and some writing chat.
Do you want to be a Mary or a Martha?
If you want to be like Martha, here are some tips:
- Write a very long to do list. It should include items that you don't really want to do but know you should.
- Skip breakfast: there's no time to sit still. And skip Bible reading and prayer. No time for that. There's too much to do!
- Make sure everyone within earshot is aware of how much you have to do. Grumble and complain before you even start on your to do list.
- As you work bang pots and pans and slam doors. This should make your point clear. You are unappreciated and taken for granted.
- Make sure to vocalise your discontent loudly as you work.
- Feel more and more stressed, put out, used, unloved, and unhappy with each miserable chore that you do. It's so unfair!
- Whether its in real life, or on social media, make sure everyone knows just how unfair your life is.
- Gripe and moan to God about your situation.
- Be miserable.
Tips for those wishing to be more like Mary:
- Love Martha anyway.
- Love Jesus more than anyone or anything.
- Take every opportunity to sit at His feet; to praise Him, and to pray.
- Make sure to read God's Word and to apply its wisdom.
- Take time to take care of yourself and to be nourished and refreshed.
- Keep a short and simple to do list: don't take on too much.
- Live simply so that you have more time for God.
- Help and bless others, but put God first.
- As you work, sing praises to God and pray.
- Cheerfully ask for help and teach the children how to do chores.
- Be thankful.
- Pray without ceasing.
- Whether in real life or on social media, share the Good News.
- Become more and more joyful.
- Spend more time with Jesus.
So, which one will you choose to be?
This tongue in cheek piece was inspired by Scripture. You can find the story of Mary and Martha, who were friends of Jesus, in Luke 10:38-42.
Garden Glimpse
In my last post I shared about my basil plants. I thought I'd show them to you. The spot where they are growing gets morning sun, and is protected from the worst heat. As you can see, I grew them in pots. I often give them water from my washing machine. Happy growing!
My Writing Ways
Special notebook |
When it comes to writing, I'm a bit of a pantser. That basically means that I mostly make things up as I go along. On the other hand, I do like to take notes etc.
Before starting any longer story, I grab a notebook, and write down ideas. This is a very messy exercise: it serves to get the creative juices going, and doesn't have to be pretty. Later on I may organize everything into sensible order, but this is optional.
I also draw a map if I am building a world, and keep track of character names as I go, as well as of place names. I generally use one notebook for everything to do with a particular story, including a rough plot outline as well as any research notes.
I am normally a very neat writer, but when I write down notes, this doesn't apply!
Another thing I do on the go, is to type notes on my document. For example, after completing a scene, I will type a note for myself below it about what to write about next. Of course, this may change, but it gives me a springboard for the next time I write.
As to the mechanics, I use a bluetooth keyboard alongside either my phone or tablet. When it comes to publishing, I generally use the desktop computer, although I can publish using my tablet at a pinch. (e-books only.)
When I am writing a short story or a poem, I usually use a notebook for the rough draft. As soon as a story looks to be a longer one, I rather use Google Docs from the start. At the moment, I am using a very attractive hard cover notebook to write my short stories and poems in. It was a Christmas present from my husband and it makes me want to write. Normally, I just use any old thing. I go through a great number of ordinary black pens too.
For me, by far the most important aspect of writing is inspiration. As writers, we soak up inspiration as we go about our lives, and if we are people who pray as a matter of course, then we find ourselves asking God to give us the ideas as well as the words we need. In this way, writing, becomes almost a ministry: something that we as writers can only do with God's never tiring help. Do you know, dear writer, He is always beside you, waiting to encourage, help, and guide you?
So yes, there are many steps that go into writing, but by far the most important is inspiration. Oh! And having a great imagination is very helpful.
Well, there you are, a little peek as promised into my notebook, so to speak. Enjoy your own writing however you get it done. :)
Until next time.
Love and blessings,
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