Poems and a Mini Story

 Poems and a Mini Story
Pretty posy

Jungle Gym

Life comes to meet us at the bars

which seem to reach up to the stars

And like a child, we look up high;

count metal bars and strips of sky

Anxiety holds us in its grip:

we're scared to fall, to stumble, slip

Then father points to lowest bar;

says, don't look up; start where you are

And  so in life, it is the best

to trust in God, to take one step

Pomegranate in our garden

A new name

Slowing Down

We're slowing down

enough today

to come to the  park

so the girls can play:

up and down, and

round and round;

speeding up,

yet slowing down

A Short, yet Powerful Story

This is a very short story. A story of countless lives cut short: Sudden. Tragic. Violent.

And, it is a story about the God-Man who allowed His own life to be cut short; so that even in our most desperate times there may be hope. And life eternal.



Evil threatens

to overwhelm:

It threatens to 


It troubles our

vision, and 

invites doubt

It threatens

to overwhelm


evil can have no victory,

Thou art ever at the helm

And though it tries to rule with fear,

and paralize with fright,

We are always loved within Thy arms

tucked up within Thy might

Julius says Hi. :)

Copyright: Alison Lawrence

Love and prayers,


If you are searching for answers, you may find my testimony helpful. Link


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