The Fisherman. A Poem
The Fisherman
Scripture inspiration:
Matthew 4: 13-25
A fisherman goes walking
to his little patch of sea;
and by every observation
he looks just like you and me
And though he wears a backpack
as he heads up 'long the shore;
it bears no hooks, or bait nor knife
for he catches fish no more
His loving Master's orders are
to hook a greater prize;
to wander forth, find needy souls
for whom his Jesus died
He walks 'longside the sunrise
all glorious hued and gold;
and thinks about the stories
'bout missionaries been told
Men and women humble, bold
God's bright message outward took;
and many creature comforts
for His glory they forsook
Tom is eager, unafraid
at start of his own journey;
leans on Jesus and His Word
and each courageous story
First encounters happy band:
a group of people dance and play;
they laugh at tracts he gives:
say, play with us or go away
Now the Spirit soon shows Tom: Alas!
Their only goal is pleasure;
they will not stop their romping
to seek the proferred treasure
Sadly Tom walks further on
finds it hard to understand;
how these folks can be so blind
while dancing on God's strand
The gulls are wheeling, crying
while waves sing hymns of praise;
dolphins sail in dance of joy
Tom's own heart lifts in praise
And just around the corner
someone busy on the sand;
seeking treasure to and fro
barely stops to shake Tom's hand
May I give you one of these?
Tom's smile is sure and kind;
but the stranger walks right on
only riches on his mind
Tom walks 'longside the sunset
the landscape God has made;
he prays for this man's soul
as the day begins to fade
By the dunes he sets up camp
gives thanks for his supplies;
while watching a young surfer
who with grace races and flies
The surfer ends his practice
then sits down at our Tom's side;
and many are his questions
as the sun sinks to the tide
Now at the new day's dawning
Tom goes walking 'long the sea;
and with him goes his Master
as they seek more souls to free
Copyright: Alison Lawrence
Love and blessings,
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