Rosie's Story. Episode 10. Free Serialized Story.


Photo: charlesdeluvio. Unsplash

Rosie's Story. Episode Ten

Tears blurred the laptop screen as Rosie thought about her growing up years. It wasn't easy to look back; to remember just how dumb she'd been. But she kept writing, kept remembering. Maybe someone could be helped; would find Jesus through her testimony. Even just one person would make it all worth it.

Now in her twenties, with a graveyard of failed relationships behind her, Rosie's eyes had finally opened, and her heart had found hope and healing. She was forgiven, clean, and whole because of Jesus.

Jake had only been the first in a string of bad choices. Rosie remembered clearly how it had ended. They'd gone on a date to a local carnival. It was in the afternoon, and she'd been completely sober. They'd walked around for a while, taking in the sights and snacking on donuts. Then,  Jake had made a bee-line for the beer tent, pulling her along as though he were dying of thirst.
"You're more fun when you're drunk Rosie." He'd laughed. "C'mon."

She remembered how she'd felt: used; hollow. But she wanted to keep Jake , so she drank. She drank whenever they were together, and somehow, she still managed to keep her grades up and fool her parents. She thought she had it all worked out, but one day, Jake dropped the bomb. He was moving on. Rosie wasn't fun enough any more it seemed.

Rosie's stomach clenched as she thought back to those days. She'd been so naïve; so stupid. So misled. It wasn't surprising though: if people evolved and were like animals, why shouldn't they do whatever they wanted?

For a while, after Jake left, Rosie found solace in her books and her cat family which have grown to three, but it wasn't long before she was partying hard again, trying to find acceptance and love in all the wrong places. None of the relationships lasted and they all left her feeling empty and unclean. Rosie shuddered. She wouldn't write the sordid details. Then she breathed deeply. She was washed clean. The rest of her life lay before her.

"Only Jesus can forgive us and save us from our sins, Rosie." Pete, her work colleague had explained one day over coffee.
"You mean I don't have to go to a priest? To confess?"
"No need. Just pray to Jesus. Confess your sin to Him. Repent, and ask Him to save you."
"So simple?" Rosie had asked hopefully.
"Yes. But you'll never be the same." Pete had smiled.
"He'd been so right. She was a new person. Whole. Free.

Now, some months later, she and Pete were getting to know each other better over coffee.
"Someone once told me I'm more fun with a drink in my hand." Rosie said ruefully.
"And some people say I'm more human after my first cup of coffee." Pete smiled. "Rosie, do you believe what that person said?"
Rosie cocked her head to one side and looked at the sweet man who had led her to Jesus.
"No, Pete. Not anymore. I'm starting to like myself. It was God who made me after all."


The end.


In case you missed the rest of the story, here is the link to the first post:

Copyright: Alison Lawrence


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