Photo: Kyo Azuma. Unsplash
Rosie's Story. Episode Eight
Rosie attended a solidly academic Catholic girls' school through all of her school years. She studied hard and brought home consistantly good reports. She often achieved A's and B's in all of her favourite subjects. Maths was not one of them, and she dropped it along with science at the soonest opportunity.
"Our Rosie will either be a writer or a translator one day. She won't be needing math in her career." Rosie's mom assured her husband. "She's always been a bookworm." Rosie's dad agreed. He was proud of both of his daughters. Cherry was musical and excelled at biology. Her goal was to study nursing.
Unfortunately, both he and Rosie's mother were seemingly unaware of the dangerous undercurrents in their teenagers' lives. The school may have been Catholic, but it failed to produce young people with a yearning to know and serve God. Instead, it taught dry ritual and did nothing to counter the evolutionary world view which had crept into the school.
Rosie's loving parents were also under the false impression that the school was a safe environment and had no knowledge of what went on behind the scenes. Many of the students were often pre-occupied with thoughts of the boys over at the local boys' high school, and under-age drinking and experimentation were common.
"It's just a phase all teenagers go through." Rosie's dad had assured his wife when Rosie failed to keep her curfew or tell them where she was going. "It will pass."
But it didn't. Rosie was in a downward spiral. And one boy's comment sent her spinning out of control...
To be continued...
Copyright: Alison Lawrence |
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