Thoughts on Writing Poetry Plus Some Examples


Dying to self


Blue Berg river


Slow, slower, slower

to a place where 

thoughts can meet

Slow, slower, slower

'til I'm sitting

at Your feet


Awhile back, I wrote a post about poetry writing which I never posted. I thought it would be good to re-visit that topic.

When you write your own poems, you quickly become aware that poetry is not the favourite reading material of most people. Neither is it what most people write. I guess that's because there remain many misconceptions about poetry. Some people believe that poetry is too hard to read or understand, let alone write.

I sympathize. Much poetry is pretty high-brow; the subject of university English lectures and dreaded by many students.

Poetry however, cannot be put into a box. Yes, it can be written in a vague, mysterious, or unfathomable way. But it can also be simple, honest, and even plain and easy to relate to.

Poetry can follow a certain form, style, or rhyme scheme. It can have perfect rhythm and contain metaphors, similes, and alliteration.

Or not.

Poetry can be many things and can be written to suit all tastes. It certainly doesn't have to rhyme or follow a certain pattern.

So, I would like to encourage you to write a poem today. 

Allow your thoughts to flow onto paper. One, two, three lines or more. Be honest. Let your poem be a prayer, a thank You, or a song of praise.

And lastly, let your poem heal you. Let it speak to you, then if you feel brave, let it speak to others too.

Happy writing. :)




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