Up and Away. A Free Coffee Break Read


 Inspirational fiction

Up and Away

I sighed. Yet another problem. Another burden to add to the already growing pile. With God's help, I was still standing somehow; yes, even walking. That was the miracle. If I didn't have Jesus living in me, I most definitely wouldn't be. But, I was human, and it wasn't easy. 

The first, and one of the largest burdens was my marriage to Jim: a marriage marred by alcohol abuse, and all of the woes that accompany addiction.

The beginning years had been less strained, and  the addition of three children had not been burdensome at first. And of course, by God's grace alone, I was rescued from the rubbish dump of my sinful existance by Jesus back then. The shining pinacle of my life. 

Jesus brought life and light, and yes, even joy into our struggling family. Even when my husband rejected the Good News I shared with him, I carried on loving him and serving him . But only because of Jesus.

With Jesus at my side, I taught my daughters about Him, shared the Gospel, prayed, read the Bible, took them to church. Yet one by one, they'd seemed to reject what they'd learned through childhood, opting for worldly lives instead.

And now this. Carrie's shocking announcement. An announcement that tore through all of my hopes and dreams for her: my many prayers.

"Lord, are You still there? I don't think I can walk much further."

"I am here, and I always will be." His loving voice calmed and comforted me. I knew that Jesus was helping me to carry my load.

Feeling strengthened, I prayed for each family member once more. My load felt lighter somehow. Less burdensome. No. It wasn't easy, but I would be OK. Jesus was with me.

I had a dream last night. I was walking along with my pile of burdens. As I dreamed, I could sense that I was deeply concerned. Worried. 

Suddenly, a great voice spoke from the heavens. "Who Am I?"

I looked up, and all I saw was light. Bright. Beautiful.

"You are Jesus." I answered simply. And in that moment, my feet lifted off of the ground. 

At once, my burdens began falling one by one to the ground below. I looked down for a moment and watched them fall. Would they be safe? I was going home along with many others, all clothed in brilliant white, rejoicing. 

Jesus was fetching His Bride.

I saw Jesus then, and my smile grew even wider. My packages; my burdens were safe in  His arms.


Copyright: Alison Lawrence


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