One Problem too Many. Flash Fiction


Flash fiction

One Problem too Many

I pressed the laptop power button. Nothing. This can't be happening. I groaned. So many things have gone wrong already this week.
The kitten looked at me quizically with his bright eyes. He was the only one paying attention. The children were oblivious: they were not the ones who had to replace broken items around the home.

I slumped in my chair and mentally ticked off all of our recent problems: one: a flat tyre. Two: a broken pair of glasses. Three: a toaster that had given up the ghost. And now this.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Cheryl had entered the room. "The laptop had better not be broken. I need it for school, and I want to play games."

I sighed. "I'll try to turn it on again, but something's not right."

Cheryl let out a groan, then went to tell the others. I poked the button. Hard. Nothing. Pushy jumped up onto my lap and I stroked him while he kneeded and purred. Oh, to be a cat, I thought. I stared at the blank screen and remembered rather belatedly to pray. "Oh Lord, this is really the last straw. I just don't see how I can keep going. Problems just keep piling up, and I feel like such a failure as a mom.The children spend way too much time playing games..."

It hit me then, as I stared at that silent screen. Didn't God say that He would work all things together for good? It had been a tough week, but in those quiet moments, I heard a whisper of hope and felt God's comforting touch: we were going to be OK.


"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

Romans 8:28

Story copyright: pencil in His Hand.

Ps: God willing, I will be posting the first chapter of "The Yearning" on Monday. Thanks for visiting! May God bless you.


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