The Searchers: Anja. A Free Coffee Break Read


The Searchers: Anja

"Would you call yourself a good person?" The street preacher seemed to be looking directly at Anja. She was about to go into the clothing store, but something made her halt before a display of winter jackets in the window instead. Even the manequins with their tilted heads seemed to ask the same question: "Would you call yourself a good person?"

Would she? Anja pretended to be deeply interested in the pumpkin coloured creation before her, but in reality, her ears were tuned to the preacher instead. He was quoting from the Bible. Something about no one being good. Only Jesus was truly good, he said.

Well, I go to church regularly, she wanted to interject. It's something our family has always done. I give to charities, I even read my Bible from time to time. Anja mentally added up what she felt were points in her favour. And, she thought, as her gaze shifted to a display of boots, I've never stolen anything, let alone taken a life. That must make me a good person, surely?

"Have you ever told a white lie? Taken a pen from the office? Looked at someone with lust?" The preacher went on. Anja's face coloured as she remembered several incidents.

"So, you see, all have sinned. Just one sin is enough to disqualify you from Heaven. No amount of good works can secure you a place. You must be born again. Repent, and call on Jesus to save you." The preacher pleaded with the people passing by and with the small group gathered around him. Someone began to heckle and argue, but the preacher continued to plead. "Repent, and call on Jesus to save you."

Anja watched while the small gathering dispersed. As the heckler walked away, he fouled the already fume-laden air with his language. Others shook their heads and continued on their way. No one seemed to take the preacher's words seriously. No one except one.


A young, smartly dressed woman, carrying a fashionable messenger bag turned from a display window and walked up to the preacher who was about to leave his post.
"May I talk with you? She said. "And may I have one of those tracts? You see, I grew up in a Christian home, and I've always thought of myself as a good person."
The preacher smiled. He knew now why the Lord had led him to this spot.
The young woman met his gaze. "My name is Anja, and I think you've helped me to see who I really am for the first time."


Copyright: Alison Lawrence


You may like to read my testimony. Link

Thanks for reading:) May God bless you and keep you.


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