The Searchers: Lia. Free Coffee Break Read


The Searchers: Lia

Lia was the last student to leave the yoga class. She rolled up her mat slowly as she looked around her. The yoga studio was part of the teacher's home. Narissa had created a calming, yet richly hued space for her students. Deep purples and blues provided a background for sparkles of orange and red in the form of candles, incense holders, and other ornaments. Lia knew that the ornaments were in fact deities of an Eastern religion. 

At the front of the room, a shelf held a framed picture of a famous guru alongside a vase of flowers.
"It's nice to see one of my students taking their time and not rushing off. Everyone is too busy these days." Narissa lowered her supple body onto the carpet.
Lia nodded. Busyness was the bane of her own life. Hence, the yoga. She needed to slow down; to have enough headspace to just think.
"May I ask you something, Narissa?"
"Of course." Narissa smiled.
"What is so special about the master? Why do you display his picture?" Lia asked the question softly and respectfully.
Narissa rose gracefullly and fetched the photo. She gazed at the robed gentleman with adoration in her eyes.
"The master taught me all I know about yoga. And more than that: he taught me about the meaning of life." Narissa closed her eyes, and folded her body into a statuesque pose. Lia waited for what seemed an age for her to speak again. When the teacher did speak, the words came out like a chant. "He was the most wonderful man to ever live on this planet. We hold him in the highest esteem and shall never forget him."
"Is he the reason for your peace? Lia asked.
"Yes." Narissa nodded slowly. "And you may have the same peace if you want it."


Lia arrived home to find her flatmate, Iris, busy assembling dinner in the kitchen. Lia dumped her yoga mat and bag on the couch. "I'm so sorry, Iris. It was my turn to cook. Let me take over."
"Is my cooking that bad? Relax. I enjoy experimenting."
Lia laughed. "As long as it's not too wacky."
"Nothing as wacky as that yoga of yours, I can assure you." Iris chopped olives, and tossed them into the salad bowl. "How's it going by the way?"
Lia sank onto the couch. "It's not wacky. And I'm way more supple now."
"You don't say. You look like a couch potato to me." Iris ducked as a throw pillow whizzed into the kitchen. "Hey! Cook at work here!"
"I'll stop if you'll stop. Narissa's very sweet. Not all nice people are Christians, you know."
"I'm sure she is." Said Iris, her tone soothing.
Appeased, Lia went on. "Today she shared the source  of her peace with me."
"Source of peace?"
Lia brought her feet together and then her hands. "Yes. The master taught her all she knows. He was a great teacher."
Iris tossed her salad with vigour. "This master; is he still alive?"
"No." Lia's voice took on a monotone. " He has reached his eternal rest."

It was quiet in the kitchen for some moments. The only sound was the deep breath which Iris took. Lia continued to hold her pose on the couch as she attempted to empty her mind completely. 

The spell was broken when Iris sat softly on the couch. "You know, I have a source of peace too. His name is Jesus."

Lia relaxed her pose. "I guess I never thought of it that way, but I can see what you mean. He's everything to you, isn't He Iris? Just like the master means everything to Narissa."
"He is." Iris said simply. "He saved me out of the gutter. He died for me so I can spendd eternity with Him. That is why I worship Him. He's my Saviour, Lia. The God I worship and the source of my peace."

"Do you have a picture of Jesus, the way Narissa has one of the master?"
"No, but I have something else. Wait here. I'll get it." Iris went to her room, and after rummaging  around for a short while, she returned with and album. She opened it, and pointed to a photograph of an empty tomb. "Jesus was the greatest Teacher who ever lived. He was crucified and died. He was buried in a tomb, but death couldn't hold Him, because He is God. He rose from the grave, and now the tomb is empty."

Lia took the album and studied the picture. She said nothing, so Iris continued. "I don't have a photo of my Master, Lia. But, I don't need one. He lives in my heart and has left His Love Letter with us. It is more than enough."


Lia prayed a simple prayer as she slipped a tract into Narissa's post box. She prayed that the teacher would come to know the only true source of peace, just as she herself had. Yes, the tomb was empty: but her heart was full and at peace. She had no need for a photograph of her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. And she had no more need of yoga either, she thought as she crossed the road to go to the gym.


The end.

Thank you for reading. :)

Ps. I will be having a break from blogging during the winter holiday.

Love and blessings,




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