The Searchers: Michael. A Free Coffee Break Read


The Searchers: Michael

"Do you believe in God?" Robert asked the blunt question of Michael. The question seemed to settle beside them on the picturesque stone wall on which they were sitting. The hand built wall spoke eloquently of the age and history of the campus.

Robert kicked his heels lightly against the stones as he enjoyed the pleasant lunch-time sun. He didn't enjoy Robert's awkward question, but he answered good-naturedly anyway. "Maybe, maybe not."
"So, you're an agnostic."
"I guess so." Michael agreed. "As for you, you're fully in the God camp. That much I know." He grinned. "But it suits you. You're a good guy, despite your quirks."

Suddenly, Robert jumped off the wall, landing firmly on the  grass beside it. "Thanks." He grinned. "I am on God's side. But as for you, you're neither here or on the other side. You're just sitting in the middle: neither believing in God nor denying His existance. See?"

Michael grinned, albeit a little self-consciously. Robert did have a point. "I'll have to give my position some serious thought then." He studied his friend who was now sitting alongside Zeta on a bench. Then he shifted his gaze to the courtyard on the other side of the wall. A noisy throng of students was heading to a lecture.

"Feeling a bit lonely up there?" Robert called out. Zeta just laughed at the boys antics. They were always up to something.

But something in the moment spoke to Michael. He saw that he'd need to make a decision either way. It didn't make sense to stay on the wall. 

He gave one more look over his shoulder at the laughing students before leaping off of the wall. 

Casually, he sat down next to Robert. "So, tell me again: what made you get off of the fence and into the God camp?"


Copyright: pencil in His Hand


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