The Teddy Bear. Flash Fiction


Inspirational flash fiction

The Teddy Bear: Flash Fiction

"It must be nice to be so loved." Ava stroked the cute bear Hunter had given me on Valentine's Day.
I smiled gently. "It is."
Instead of putting the bear back, Ava hugged it close. "I've often wondered what it feels like to be cherished."
I heard the tremor in her voice, then, praying for wisdom, I touched her hand. "Do you remember how Mom would make us our favourite cake and meal each birthday? And how she'd somehow find the exact present we wanted?"
Ava smiled. "Yes. She made me feel so loved. Somehow, I could feel Jesus' love for me in her smile; her actions."
I sat beside her and cut us each a generous slice of chocolate cake. Mom's recipe.
Sunlight bathed my kitchen in sweet memories and Jesus' love.
"Happy birthday dear Ava, happy birthday to you!"


Dearest Reader,

Do you long for love? For a deep, abiding love?
Well, that's the kind of love that Jesus our Saviour has for you. He died on the cross, taking our sin upon Himself, so that we wouldn't have to face judgment. If you repent and call on Him to save you, He will answer your prayer, and He will come live in your heart. You will never feel unloved again.

Please start reading the Bible at the Book of John. The Bible is freely available on The Bible App.

Love and prayers,



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