Salvation Song


Photo: Jussara Romão. Unsplash

Salvation Song

I woke up on that new, clear day and wondered what might be different. The previous evening had been a watershed moment in my relatively short life. I was sure that I'd turned the proverbial corner and couldn't wait to discover each sparkling discovery.

My eyes widened.  He would be with me. I didn't know much, but I knew this. My energy levels were higher than they'd been in a long time. I got up, and quickly finished my morning routine.

I could feel His presence; it was as though He was right beside me whilst I got myself, then my two little sleepyheads ready for the day.

Morning Jesus.

You see, just a few hours before, I had poured out my heart to Jesus, listed my horrible sins, and asked Him to forgive me; to save me. And He had!

I was a new Alyssa now. The old Alyssa was gone. I laughed quietly to myself. Would anyone I knew even recognize me? Would Kyle. and Gabriel and Everlee? Would I even recognize myself?


I began to sing the only Christian song I knew as I made oatmeal at the stove: Amazing Grace. Tears blurred the contents of the pot as the lyrics came to life in my soul. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see."

"Mommy, you OK?" Four year old Everlee looked at me with puzzled yet interested grey eyes.

I turned to her and lifted her in my arms. The love I felt for her in that moment, surpassed even the feelings I'd had after pushing her into the world.

I smiled at Jesus and at Everlee. "Yes, sweetie. Mommy's fine. These are happy tears. Mommy asked Jesus into her heart. He washed all the bad stuff in Mommy away and made me sing." I felt a whisper in my heart and kissed her little face. "Evvy, would you like to ask Jesus into your heart too?"


Dearest Jesus,

Thank You for saving me all those years ago.

Thank You for such an awesome salvation

which is available to all.

Please touch the hearts of all who read this,

and the hearts of their loved ones.

Help them to know how very much You love them

and that You died to save them too.


Amazing Grace


God willing, I will continue "Salvation Song" here on the blog. I will be posting, as led, other content too.


"Salvation Song" is a work of fiction, although based on the author's experience.


Love and prayers


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