The Graphics Card. A Free Inspirational Story. Jesus Saves


The Graphics Card

Jason thought he may as well stick his neck out a bit further. He didn't have much to lose. Ryan, along with most of his fellow students already thought he was weird anyway.

"It's like this," Jason smiled as he rummaged around in his backpack. Before long he held up the object he'd found.

Ryan laughed. "A computer graphics card? You really are nuts."

Unperturbed, Jason handed the graphics card to Ryan. "A mother board would have been better, but this will do. Tell me, Ryan, did the graphics card come about as the result of a random explosion in a lab, or did someone design it with great care?"

Ryan huffed. "It was designed of course."

"And so was the earth. It was no accident. Just look around." He gestured to the trees and gardens of the campus. "There's plenty of evidence for a designer. Not to mention, you yourself."

Ryan was quiet for a moment as he studied the piece of hardware in his hand. His quirky friend had a point.

"Tell you what. I'll put it in for you, along with that new hard drive you bought." He handed the graphics card back. "Maybe you can tell more about this Designer friend of yours."


Copyright: Alison Lawrence



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