Her Name Is Hope. A Short Story
Her Name Is Hope
Her name is Hope. She is the young woman with the plain, honest face, travelling to work each day, with faith in her heart that God will answer her prayers for a husband, children, and home.
Her name is Hope. She is the sweet, faithful mom, hanging up her wash, the wind whipping through her hair. As she works, she prays that her husband and children will accept Jesus.
Her name is Hope. She clings to Jesus' Hand as her marriage falters then shatters through her husband's unfaithfulness. She keeps walking and hoping because of Jesus.
Her name is Hope. The news she received today at her cheerful kitchen table nearly crushed her; and tears fall unceasing: a son lost on the battlefield, a prodigal child driving the knife in deeper, a car accident, an ailing loved one.
And yet, she hopes. She clings to Jesus. She does not understand. How could she? But she never stops hoping. She prays, she trusts. She looks up. And once more, as she hangs up her wash in the gentle breeze, she sings.
Copyright: pencil in His Hand
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