Photo: Sime Basioli. Unsplash
Salvation Stories: Washed
As he walked slowly to the front of the church, to where the kindly pastor stood waiting for him, he could feel the slimy weight of his own filth clinging to his being. He nearly turned tail and ran for the back door. Who do you think you are? A church is not the place for rubbish like you! The voice hissed in his ear, but he kept walking. Somewhere, deep inside himself, he knew that the pastor could help him. That Jesus was the answer. How he longed to get rid of the stinking weight! He knew with absolute certainty that no amount of strong soap could do it. Only Jesus' blood could wash him clean. He straightened his shoulders and walked the last steps with purpose.
She had no more places to go, either in her mind or in the city. There was only one option left, and she needed to be quick before she lost her nerve. She could feel the darkness pressing in around her as she stepped off of the train, but she didn't falter. She kept walking. This was her only hope. She looked down at her hands, almost expecting them to be stained with blood. The blood of her unborn child. A wave of grief and revulsion threatened to knock her to the station platform, but she somehow managed to keep going. When she reached the door of the church, she heard the sound of quiet sobs. She gasped when she recognized the form of the man at the altar. For a moment, she hesitated. This was obviously his moment. He needed this as much as she did. She must have made a sound, for both he and the pastor turned. Stunned, she saw the transformation, the joy in his face. Then, as the man who was her partner stepped respectfully to one side, she laid her own dreadful burden at the foot of the cross.
Dearest Reader, Are you carrying a heavy burden today? Do you feel as though you will never be clean? The Good News tells us that your sin can be washed away and be removed as far as the east is from the west! Believe in Jesus. Repent of your sin. (Turn completely away from sin.) Call out to Jesus to save you. You will be washed clean, born again, and ready to spend an eternity with Jesus.
Scriptures: (You can look these up on the Bible App if you don't have a Bible. Just use the search function. The Bible App is free.)
*Romans 3: 21-31
*The Book of John in the New Testament. Note, John 3:3, John 3: 16-18
*Acts 2: 38-39
*Hebrews 10: 19-25
May God bless, help, and keep you.
Love and prayers, Alison
Story copyright: pencil in His Hand |
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